The PRO Act will violate worker privacy.

The pandemic has been tough on American workers. A new bill in Congress would deliver even another blow to our economy.

Imagine an America where your personal information is no longer personal. An America where workers’ rights come second and special interests come first.

Is that the America you want to live in?

Tell Senators Sinema and Kelly to vote no on the PRO Act today!

The Facts: Who Does the PRO Act Threaten?

Working people, who cannot afford to strike because someone else told them to

Independent contractors and gig workers, who need flexible work options

Small businesses, who are fighting to survive

If enacted, The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act would impose a new set of rules that would strip workers of their privacies, deny them the opportunity to start their own businesses and take more money out of their paychecks.

The PRO Act:

Eliminates worker privacy rights, providing organized labor with everything from your cell phone number to your home address.

Removes the absolute right to secret ballots in union organizing elections and infringes on privacy laws put in place to protect sharing how employees vote.

Reduces opportunities for independent contractors to establish their own businesses and become their own bosses.

Forces workers to pay for union memberships they don’t want and may not be able to afford.

Tell Senators Sinema and Kelly to vote NO on the PRO Act and protect our nation’s employee and employer rights.